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Long Wiktionary



Time and date words in Tok Pisin are similar to those same words in English. A few differences exist, such as using Tunde, Trinde, and Fonde (literally two-day, three-day, four-day) instead of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Time words and phrases can come at either the beginning or the end of a sentence. If the time is being emphasized, place it at the beginning of the sentence.

Times During the Day


Non-Clock Based Words


Previously time of day was tied to periods of time instead of exact time.

middle of the night
early morning (literal: half night)
previously used for the time the sun is going down
dawn (literal: dark is going to light)
belo kaikai
midday meal (lunch)
dusk (literal: light is going to dark)

Clock Based Words


Now with watches, clocks, and phones time can be given in more precise measurements.

belo nait
belo stret
noon or midday
et kilok stret
Long et kilok stret yumi bai go long taun.
We will go to town at exactly 08:00.
hap faiv
5:30 (literal: half five)
Bipo long hap faiv mi save kirup.
I usually wake up before 5:30am.
fiftinpela minit long painim fo kilok
3:45 (literal: 15 minutes to {looking for} 4 o'clock)
faivpela minit i lusim wan kilok
1:05 (literal: 5 minutes after {leaving] 1 o'clock)

Days of the Week


The week starts on Monday and ends in Sunday.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Mande Tunde Trinde Fonde Fraide Sarere Sande

Months of the Year

January February March April May June July August September October November December
Janueri Februeri Mas Epril Me Jun Julai Ogus Septemba Oktoba Novemba Desemba

Relative Time Words

taim bilong san
Rainy Season
taim bilong rein
Dry Season
Day Before Yesterday Yesterday Today Tomorrow Day After Tomorrow
mun i go pinis wik i go pinis hap asde asde tude tumoro hap tumoro narapela wik bihain