Documentation for this module may be created at Module:utilities/doc
local export = {}
local data = mw.loadData("Module:utilities/data")
local notneeded = data.notneeded
local neededhassubpage = data.neededhassubpage
-- A helper function to escape magic characters in a string
-- Magic characters: ^$()%.[]*+-?
function export.pattern_escape(text)
if type(text) == "table" then
text = text.args[1]
text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "([%^$()%%.%[%]*+%-?])", "%%%1")
return text
function export.plain_gsub(text, pattern, replacement)
local invoked = false
if type(text) == "table" then
invoked = true
if text.args then
local frame = text
local params = {
[1] = {},
[2] = {},
[3] = { allow_empty = true },
local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame.args, params)
text = args[1]
pattern = args[2]
replacement = args[3]
error("If the first argument to plain_gsub is a table, it should be a frame object.")
if not ( type(pattern) == "string" or type(pattern) == "number" ) then
error("The second argument to plain_gsub should be a string or a number.")
if not ( type(replacement) == "string" or type(replacement) == "number" ) then
error("The third argument to plain_gsub should be a string or a number.")
pattern = export.pattern_escape(pattern)
if invoked then
text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, pattern, replacement)
return text
return mw.ustring.gsub(text, pattern, replacement)
Format the categories with the appropriate sort key. CATEGORIES is a list of
-- LANG is an object encapsulating a language; if nil, the object for
language code 'und' (undetermined) will be used.
-- SORT_KEY is placed in the category invocation, and indicates how the
page will sort in the respective category. Normally this should be nil,
and a default sort key based on the subpage name (the part after the
colon) will be used.
-- SORT_BASE lets you override the default sort key used when SORT_KEY is
nil. Normally, this should be nil, and a language-specific default sort
key is computed from the subpage name (e.g. for Russian this converts
Cyrillic ё to a string consisting of Cyrillic е followed by U+10FFFF,
so that effectively ё sorts after е instead of the default Wikimedia
sort, which (I think) is based on Unicode sort order and puts ё after я,
the last letter of the Cyrillic alphabet.
-- FORCE_OUTPUT forces normal output in all namespaces. Normally, nothing
is output if the page isn't in the main, Appendix:, Reconstruction: or
Citations: namespaces.
export.format_categories = require("Module:utilities/format_categories")
-- Used by {{categorize}}
function export.template_categorize(frame)
local NAMESPACE = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText
local format = frame.args["format"]
local args = frame:getParent().args
local langcode = args[1]; if langcode == "" then langcode = nil end
local sort_key = args["sort"]; if sort_key == "" then sort_key = nil end
local categories = {}
if not langcode then
if NAMESPACE == "Templet" then return "" end
error("Language code has not been specified. Please pass parameter 1 to the template.")
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(langcode)
if not lang then
if NAMESPACE == "Templet" then return "" end
error("The language code \"" .. langcode .. "\" is not valid.")
local prefix = ""
if format == "pos" then
prefix = lang:getCanonicalName() .. " "
elseif format == "topic" then
prefix = lang:getCode() .. ":"
local i = 2
local cat = args[i]
while cat do
if cat ~= "" then
table.insert(categories, prefix .. cat)
i = i + 1
cat = args[i]
return export.format_categories(categories, lang, sort_key)
function export.catfix(lang, sc)
if not lang then
require("Module:debug").track("catfix/no lang")
return nil
elseif type(lang) ~= "table" then
require("Module:debug").track("catfix/lang not table")
return nil
local canonicalName = lang:getCanonicalName() or error('The first argument to the function "catfix" should be a language object from Module:languages.')
if sc and not sc.getCode then
error('The second argument to the function "catfix" should be a script object from Module:scripts.')
-- To add script classes to links on pages created by category boilerplate templates.
if not sc then
sc = data.catfix_scripts[lang:getCode()]
if sc then
sc = require("Module:scripts").getByCode(sc)
return "<span id=\"catfix\" style=\"display:none;\" class=\"CATFIX-" .. mw.uri.anchorEncode(canonicalName) .. "\">" ..
require("Module:script utilities").tag_text(" ", lang, sc, nil) ..
function export.catfix_template(frame)
local params = {
[1] = {},
[2] = { alias_of = "sc" },
["sc"] = {},
local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(args[1]) or require("Module:languages").err(args[1], 1)
local sc =
if sc then
sc = require("Module:scripts").getByCode(sc) or error('The script code "' .. sc .. '", provided in the second parameter, is not valid.')
return export.catfix(lang, sc)
-- Not exporting because it is not used yet.
local function getDateTense(frame)
local name_num_mapping = {["January"] = 1, ["February"] = 2, ["March"] = 3, ["April"] = 4, ["May"] = 5, ["June"] = 6,
["July"] = 7, ["August"] = 8, ["September"] = 9, ["October"] = 10, ["November"] = 11, ["December"] = 12,
[1] = 1, [2] = 2, [3] = 3, [4] = 4, [5] = 5, [6] = 6, [7] = 7, [8] = 8, [9] = 9, [10] = 10, [11] = 11, [12] = 12}
local month = name_num_mapping[frame.args[2]]
local date = os.time({year = frame.args[1], day = frame.args[3], month = month})
local today = os.time() -- 12 AM/PM
local diff = os.difftime(date, today)
local daylength = 24 * 3600
if diff < -daylength / 2 then return "past"
if diff > daylength / 2 then return "future"
else return "present" end
function export.make_id(lang, str)
--[[ If called with invoke, first argument is a frame object.
If called by a module, first argument is a language object. ]]
local invoked = false
if type(lang) == "table" then
if lang.args then
invoked = true
local frame = lang
local params = {
[1] = {},
[2] = {},
local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
local langCode = args[1]
str = args[2]
local m_languages = require("Module:languages")
lang = m_languages.getByCode(langCode) or m_languages.err(langCode, 1)
elseif not lang.getCanonicalName then
error("The first argument to make_id should be a language object.")
if not ( type(str) == "string" or type(str) == "number" ) then
error("The second argument to make_id should be a string or a number.")
local id = require("Module:senseid").anchor(lang, str)
if invoked then
return '<li class="senseid" id="' .. id .. '">'
return id
return export